Protecting Your Liver From Nuclear Radiation

As the nuclear reactor crisis in Japan unfolds, some folks on the United States’s West Coast are worrying about radiation exposure. Although those with liver disease may be more prone to illness from a nuclear accident, there are several ways to mitigate the danger.
by Nicole Cutler, L.Ac.
As Japan works to prevent a major nuclear meltdown following the March 11, 2011 earthquake and tsunami, America’s concerns about the health effects of radiation are growing. On the eighth day post quake, the threat of Japan’s leaking radiation reaching American soil appeared to be miniscule. U.S. officials claimed that any airborne hazards are not enough to cause health concerns. Despite the government’s reports, some remain doubtful of the air’s safety. In addition, those with a compromised liver could be at greater risk of damage from nuclear radiation than healthy people. Thankfully, there are a handful of approaches that can be taken to prevent becoming sick from radiation.
About Nuclear Radiation
Especially since the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb explosions and the Chernobyl catastrophic nuclear accident, radiation exposure’s ability to cause cancer is well documented. According to James Fagin, chief of endocrinology at New York’s Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, the thyroid is the organ most at risk of cancer from a nuclear accident. This is because:
•    The thyroid takes in iodine from the blood in order to make critical hormones.
•    The thyroid can’t tell the difference between radioactive iodine, which can be released in a nuclear meltdown, and the normal kind.
•    Radioactive material entering the thyroid can cause cancer.

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Radiation Emergencies Fact Sheets from the CDC

Radiation Emergencies
Fact Sheets



  FAQs About a Radiation Emergency
How you can protect yourself and your family
FAQs About Iodine-131 Found in Surface Water
FAQs About Iodine-131 Found in Milk
Sheltering in Place During a Radiation Emergency
When and how you need to shelter in place during a radiation emergency
Facts about Evacuation During a Radiation Emergency
How to evacuate the area if advised by local officials during a radiation emergency
Dirty Bombs
FAQs about a terrorist attack with a conventional bomb that has radioactive material in it
Nuclear Blast
FAQs about what a nuclear blast is and how to protect yourself
Radioactive Contamination & Radiation Exposure
What you should know about the difference between radiation contamination and exposure
Potassium Iodide (KI)
What KI is and how it can protect in a radiation emergency
Prussian Blue
Facts about Prussian blue and how it can remove some radioactive materials from the body
Facts about diethylenetriaminepentaacetate (DTPA) and how it can remove some radioactive material from the body
How Neupogen is used when someone has acute radiation syndrome
Acute Radiation Syndrome
What you need to know about radiation sickness
Radiation and Pregnancy
How radiation exposure affects pregnant women and fetal development
Population Monitoring after a Release of Radioactive Material
How public health officials would monitor people to protect the public’s health after a radiation emergency
CDC’s Roles in the Event of Nuclear or Radiological Terrorist Attack
How CDC will assist state and local public health officials in a radiation emergency

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff is monitoring the situation at the Surry nuclear power plant

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission staff is monitoring the situation at the Surry nuclear power plant after the site lost offsite power early Saturday evening due to a tornado affecting an electrical switchyard next to the plant. The NRC is monitoring the event through the NRC resident inspectors at the site and in the Atlanta regional office. The plant is operated by Dominion. The two units at the Surry plant automatically shut down after losing offsite power. Four of the plant’s diesel generators started to power the units’ emergency loads, an NRC spokesman said in a press release. Plant operators have partially restored offsite power to both plants, and safety systems have operated as needed. Dominion notified the NRC of the situation soon after it happened and the agency dispatched its resident inspectors to the Surry plant site as well as staffed its incident response center in Atlanta. Dominion declared an "unusual event," the lowest of the four NRC emergency classification levels, around 7 p.m. Saturday

CDC steps

Basic Steps to Protect Yourself and Your Family in a Radiation Emergency

If a radiation emergency happens near where people live or work, you can take immediate action to protect yourself, your loved ones, and others around you. This kind of emergency could be a dirty bomb or nuclear explosion, a nuclear power plant accident, or a transportation accident. These actions will protect people in a radiation emergency:

  • Get inside and stay inside an undamaged building.
  • If possible, shower and change into clean clothes.
  • Stay tuned to television or radio for updates and instructions.

Emergency workers and local officials are trained to respond to different types of situations and will give you specific instructions to keep you safe. For more information, please readProtecting Yourself and Family.

Bill Nye explains reactors

Q and A

Q&A: Health effects of radiation exposure

Japanese officials have ordered anyone living within 20km (12 miles) of the Fukushima nuclear power plant to evacuate the area.

A large explosion has occurred in one of its buildings and some radiation leakage has been detected. If the Japanese authorities act swiftly, they should be able to minimise the cost to human health.

What are the immediate health effects of exposure to radiation?

Exposure to moderate levels can result in radiation sickness, which produces a range of symptoms.

Nausea and vomiting often begin within hours of exposure, followed by diarrhoea, headaches and fever.

After the first round of symptoms, there may be a brief period with no apparent illness, but this may be followed within weeks by new, more serious symptoms.

At higher levels of radiation, all of these symptoms may be immediately apparent, along with widespread - and potentially fatal - damage to internal organs.

Exposure to a radiation dose of four grays will typically kill about half of all healthy adults.

For comparison, radiation therapy for cancer typically involves several doses of between one and seven grays at a time - but these doses are highly controlled, and usually specifically targeted at small areas of the body.

How is radiation sickness treated?

The first thing to do is to try to minimise further contamination by removing clothes and shoes, and gently washing the skin with soap and water.

Drugs are available that increase white blood-cell production to counter any damage that may have occurred to the bone marrow, and to reduce the risk of further infections due to immune-system damage.

There are also specific drugs that can help to reduce the damage to internal organs caused by radioactive particles.

How does radiation have an impact on health?

Radioactive materials that decay spontaneously produce ionising radiation, which has the capacity to cause significant damage to the body's internal chemistry, breaking the chemical bonds between the atoms and molecules that make up our tissues.

The body responds by trying to repair this damage, but sometimes it is too severe or widespread to make repair possible. There is also a danger of mistakes in the natural repair process.

Regions of the body that are most vulnerable to radiation damage include the cells lining the intestine and stomach, and the blood-cell producing cells in the bone marrow.

The extent of the damage caused is dependent on how long people are exposed to radiation, and at what level.

What are the most likely long-term health effects?

Cancer is the biggest long-term risk. Usually when the body's cells reach their "sell-by date" they commit suicide. Cancer results when cells lose this ability, and effectively become immortal, continuing to divide and divide in an uncontrolled fashion.

The body has various processes for ensuring that cells do not become cancerous, and for replacing damaged tissue.

But the damage caused by exposure to radiation can completely disrupt these control processes, making it much more likely that cancer will result.

Failure to repair the damage caused by radiation properly can also result in changes - or mutations - to the body's genetic material, which are not only associated with cancer, but may also be potentially passed down to offspring, leading to deformities in future generations. These can include smaller head or brain size, poorly formed eyes, slow growth and severe learning difficulties.

Are children at greater risk?

Potentially yes. Because they are growing more rapidly, more cells are dividing, and so the potential for things to go wrong is greater.

Following the Chernobyl nuclear reactor accident in the Ukraine in 1986, the World Health Organization recorded a dramatic increase in thyroid cancer among children in the vicinity.

This was because the radioactive materials released during the accident contained high levels of radioactive iodine, a material that accumulates in the thyroid.

How can the Japanese authorities minimise the cost to human health?

Professor Richard Wakeford, an expert in exposure to radiation, said provided the Japanese authorities acted quickly most of the general population should be spared significant health problems.

He said in those circumstances the only people likely to be at risk of serious health effects were nuclear workers at the plant or emergency workers exposed to high levels of radiation.

He said the top priority would be to evacuate people from the area and to make sure they did not eat contaminated food. The biggest risk was that radioactive iodine could get into their system, raising the risk of thyroid cancer.

To counter that risk people could be given tablets containing stable iodine which would prevent the body absorbing the radioactive version.